SaxSupport Sax Assembly Instructions
Here’s how it works?
The SaxSupport is a playing support for woodwinds, the Sax Stand transfers the weight to the floor, by attaching the support rod to the saxophone, it removes the pressure and gives pain relief to the neck and back. The Sax Support should always be attached to the Saxophone neck strap.
In 5 easy steps you are ready to take on the world pain free!
The advantages of the Sax Support Sax Stand are:
1. Weighs only 240gms.
2. Is multi adjustable in height (can be played seated, on a bar stool or in a standing position)
3. When wrapped in cloth stores easily in the bell of your saxophone.
4. Fits Alto & Tenor Sax. In the case of Alto & Tenor the 50mm tape is fixed to the side of the instrument. Refer to Alto Fit Page.
5. Needs no alteration to your Sax Case.
6. Fits on most Sax Stands.
7. Corrects bad posture.
8. Has no effect on tone production.
9. Kit contains two 50mm. strips the second one is a spare or for use on a Tenor Sax
After playing Baritone Sax for over 15 years, doing three and four hour gigs I didn’t realise how much pain I was getting in my neck and back.
A year of research, trial and error has produced an inexpensive, light, easy to use, simple design.
Saxophone playing positions using SaxSupport

When attaching to Tenor or Alto Sax it is the same assembly procedure except you mount the tape on the side of the instrument.

The Kit - SaxSupport

Assembly Step 1 Tape application.

Assembly Step 2 tape in position.

Assembly Step 3 support attached.

Assembly Step 4 support secured in position.

Assembly Step 5 SaxSupport ready to go!
SaxSupport Sax Assembly Instructions
Removing The Tape from The Bell
1. Image shows tape applied to my new 991 Yani, applied nearly a year ago.
2. & 3. Show top edge of tape peeled back, leaving residual glue on the edges.
4. & 5. Show the bell after the De-Solv-It has been used to clean the glue off.
6. Shows the cleaning fluid.
Removing The Tape from The Bell mark VI Bass
Top edge of tape peeled back, leaving residual glue on the edges.
In this case I used Lighter Fluid to soften the adhesive and allow it to be rolled.
Once the bulk of adhesive was removed, I gave the bell a final polish.
For more information please contact Steve +61 410 319 410 or email